All Fireworks are Illegal in Vacaville

All Fireworks are Illegal in Vacaville
According to City of Vacaville Municipal Code, Section 5608.1.2, "The manufacture, possession, storage, sale, use, or handling of fireworks or pyrotechnics of any kind, including those described as "safe and sane," is prohibited within the City.
Exception: The Fire Chief may issue "special use" permits for the possession, storage, use and handling of fireworks and pyrotechnics by state-licensed contractors.
The City of Vacaville's Community Services Department provides a professional fireworks show every year in Andrews Park. The Fourth of July event includes music, vendors and more, including the fireworks show shortly after dusk, usually around 9:15-9:30 p.m.
Click here to watch the City of Vacaville 2022 Fireworks Update video
Here are some tips and information from the State of California Fire Marshal regarding fireworks in our community:
Sale of fireworks on Craigslist - It is illegal to sell fireworks through ads on Craigslist.
Health and Safety Code violations - Here's a list of some of the health and safety codes being violated in communities that ban fireworks.
Snap Caps and Party Poppers - These items are not considered fireworks and are not banned, but safety should still be exercised, especially during the drought.
Fireworks Safety Tips - Even though fireworks are illegal in Vacaville, we offer these safety tips.