Grabish Farm

We are a small, family farm located just outside of Vacaville in the small town of Dixon. The goal of the farm is to support the heritage breed animals- in whatever kind of animal we raise. The animals live a good life and are harvested in the most respectful, quick manner. We manage the farm as organically as possible, but we still want to keep our options open if one of the animals needs antibiotics, if we need to treat for some sort of bug - or need to vaccinate. A friend has a saying - "don't talk about it, be about it." So we can't just talk a good game about "organic this," "sustainable that" - we need to work at it, put it into practice, continually improve, learn from our mistakes and keep living by our values. We don't want to forget to mention that we also have fun and enjoy the time we spend just being on the farm - from stacking firewood, planting the garden and learning about grafting fruit trees to introducing the dogs to a baby goat, collecting eggs or mending fences. Whole or half Mulefoot Hogs, turkeys, fresh duck eggs, chicken eggs, and goat milk are available to pre-order. Visitors can experience all the simple joys of farm life at Grabishfarm's annual events such as the Spring Hootenanny and Farm Open House. Visit the Grabishfarm website for more info.

Grabish Farm
